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Jimmy Garoppolo Spotted Wining & Dining 41-year-old Pornstar

"Garappolo just signed a deal for $120+ million. Quarterbacks are held to a different standard than any other player in sports. How do you make the decision to go to a restaurant in Beverly Hills with a 41-year-old porn star with TMZ everywhere? Not even Jameis Winston would do this."

-- Clay Travis

TMZ spotted Jimmy Garoppolo at a Beverly Hills hot spot on Wednesday night and photographed him on a date with 41-year old porn star Kiara Mia. 

Clay Travis said this would make him question Garoppolo's decision making if he were in 49ers management. A QB is the face of the franchise and you don't want that type of publicity coming at your most marketable asset. 

Jimmy Garoppolo Spotted Wining & Dining 41-year-old Pornstar